I was definitely looking forward to watching this movie since the actors involved were of such high caliber and the trailer left something to be expected and craved for in the film. Not that I am "wall street/stock literate" nor am I a fan of stock market and how the money in the world goes round. I was particularly interested in the plot of George Gekko (Michael Douglas) stepping back into the life of his daughter and making a whole mess of things. Sounds a bit morbid but hey, it catches your interest.
In any case, the movie was moderately enjoyable for me. I have a thing for movies with a lot of dialogues. I like to see how actors add life to these dialogues, meshing up the actions they think would define their character and the way they'd deliver the lines. Things that when put together somehow gives life and interest to a an otherwise tasteless thread of words. Not that I am commenting that the dialogues were not interesting, they were, it's just that they were too jargon-ish for me. But then again that is the setting of the movie. I guess they tried hard to make the terms, the situations, the conversations as simple as they can without making the characters seem like some other person just walking by. After all would you even believe that they are people form Wall Street if they did not talk a certain way?
The plot was somewhat underplayed and had little coherent direction, could not flesh out a continuity in them, and probably, some of the parts were very predictable. I did feel like at the end of the day, I had little understanding of what happened. I felt very minimal of a build up towards a climax, not much of a clincher. I thought the film left too much to be craved for and in between, dropped quite a lot hints at something else that were not really used. I don't know. It was a fairly decent try, but not up to expectation with the story it had promised.
For the most part, I guess it's because the cast was absolutely amazing that I kept watching until the end. Never expected Shia LaBeouf to be that good. I mean, I grew up watching "Even Stevens" and I commend him for doing such a great job of getting out of the "child star" pit that holds most child actors back from becoming recognized as adults. Although I did feel like something was wrong with how their characters were built up. I don't know, maybe motivation, maybe a sense of coherence of what they want to achieve especially with the main character.
Check out comments on IMDb - Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.
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