I've always been in love with short stories and I guess over the last 4 years, despite my neglect of the art of literature, my love for this particular section never went away. Here is one story I found over the internet and at that instant, I knew, this was what I wanted to specialize in.
For me, there is something very beautiful to a short story. It is the foundation of all written novel. It requires so much from it's writer for such a short piece. It is much like poetry, how to make everything coherent, complete, and consistent but still be able to keep everything short, compact and palatable to the reader. It is always a dilemma of whether to end it abruptly, to keep it open hoping readers' interest would hold your name in their mind and want more from you and your works, to keep the characters as vague as possible or let them live out clearly defined personalities and lives, or simply to just let everything roll by as you write out this little play you have in your mind.
I wish I have more time over this short break from school. Hone a little skill, and get some decent routine in my life. Everything in it's right order, like all short stories, every element in it's right place, every little detail used to it's fullest extent.
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